Many people know the problem of back pain. But most of them use painkillers to eliminate the pain syndrome and don’t try to figure out why your back hurts. Such a frivolous attitude to health can lead to serious complications and disability. Therefore, it is very important to determine the cause correctly and start treatment in time.

Types of back pain
There are many types of back pain. They differ in their nature, location, and symptoms. They can be divided into different types depending on these properties.
intense pain
The back pain is very sharp and sudden. The severe pain in a person darkens his eyes and makes him dizzy. After an attack, an uncomfortable feeling appears in the affected area. It occurs as a result of a sudden load on the vertebrae because even the strongest muscles are overloaded, resulting in muscle cramps. During a seizure, the patient should try to relax and then lie down so that the legs are higher than the head. To avoid recurrent attacks, seek professional help as soon as possible. After all, the cause of back pain can be an injury to the vertebrae, osteochondrosis.
Acute pain
Short-term pain syndrome that occurs for no apparent reason or develops gradually. It can be weak, burning, intense and boring. It is characterized by the presence of muscle cramps. They occur with vertebral fractures, spinal cord injuries, skeletal disorders, and malignancies. Acute pain seizures can also be caused by displacement of the intervertebral discs. Often this problem occurs in the inflammatory process of the urogenital system, the internal organs of the small pelvis. Curvature of the spine and congenital pathologies can cause acute pain. During a seizure, the patient has difficulty moving.
chronic pain
This is a common problem with patients seeking medical attention. Chronic back pain is usually divided into periodic and permanent. They differ in duration. The nature of their occurrence is related to human individual physiology, regular use of the spine, diseases of the internal organs, and poor posture. Many people get used to living with a problem and doing nothing to solve it. But their condition is deteriorating, causing living standards to decline. Quality of life and physical activity are declining.
Displaced pains
The specificity of this type is the merger. The reverse can also happen when the pain in the lumbar region radiates to the leg. When they show up, one thinks the cause is related to spinal problems. But it is not. They appear due to diseases of the internal organs, they are given to different parts of the back. For example, diseases of the urogenital system or kidneys occur in the lower back. Pain in the upper lumbar region indicates liver problems. In this case, patients may experience discomfort in the hypochondria. The danger of a pathology is that premature elimination of the cause of the problem can lead to the development of complex pathologies and even death.
Painful pains
The cause of the problem is muscle fatigue. After a good rest, the pain goes away on its own. People who have a sedentary lifestyle most often have back pain. The other reasons are not so harmless. These include: vertebral hernia, sciatica, osteochondrosis. Abnormal processes lead to a decrease in the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and an increase in the load on the spine. They may appear during rehabilitation or during the healing of injuries. The complexity of diagnosing back pain is related to that fact. that they can be caused by a variety of reasons.
Why does my back hurt
A sedentary lifestyle and minimal physical activity have led to many people of different ages having problems with the musculoskeletal system. Back pain for various reasons. The main one is the anatomical structure of the musculoskeletal system. He is exposed to regular stress, which leads to the appearance of pain in different classes. Common provocative factors include: prolonged stay of the spine in one position, muscle tension. Rarely, back problems occur due to serious illness. It can be kidney pathology, gynecological diseases, tumors.

Examination of the patient depends on his condition and medical history. The research is done in different ways, depending on the cause of the pain - vertebrogenic (caused by the spine) or non-vertebrate. The disease is most often related to the spine.
During the initial examination, the doctor visually examines the patient, makes a palpation, and listens carefully to the patient’s complaints. Clinical and instrumental examinations are then performed. Sometimes therapy can be prescribed without further investigation. In such cases, external examination reveals degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine.
The reason for the more detailed diagnosis is a change in the analysis of the blood, urine, and the patient's morning stiffness.
You can get detailed information using the following diagnostic methods:
- Computed tomography. Assign for examination of soft tissue lesions.
- Radiography. It is used to assess bone tissue, to assess the condition of the spine. It allows you to understand the extent of damage to the musculoskeletal system.
- Magnetic resonance imaging. It gives a visual picture of the changes in soft tissues, cartilage and nerve fibers.
- Ultrasound. Helps identify damage to ligaments, tendons, muscles, ligaments.
- Electroneuromyography. It shows the extent of nerve damage, identifies damage to certain nerve fibers.
- arthroscopy. Surgical manipulation performed with an arthroscope.
- Sonography. This diagnostic method is used to detect tendon pathologies.
Depending on the type and severity of the back pain, one or more diagnostic methods are chosen. Such a detailed examination of the cause will allow the selection of the most appropriate treatment.
When to see a doctor
Whatever the cause of the problem, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. But there are times when you need to see a specialist as soon as possible.
This should be done if:
- Worried about unreasonable pain;
- the pain lasts for more than 3 days;
- the pain gradually increases;
- there is a rise in temperature;
- weakness and malaise appear;
- weight loss for no reason.
You shouldn’t be frivolous about health issues. Therefore, it is better if you play it safe and have a medical examination. Timely help will help you avoid negative consequences.
How to properly treat back pain
Proper therapy is an important part of a patient’s recovery. But before starting full treatment, a person must provide first aid. Placed on a flat, hard surface, on its side. When the attack is over, they help the person stand up. This must be done very carefully and slowly so as not to provoke a new attack. After the condition has improved, the sore back should be fastened with a corset and an anesthetic should be taken. Medical help is then sought to select effective treatments with the doctor.

Drug treatment
Therapy is performed using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They eliminate inflammation and pain. The different forms of these drugs (injections, tablets, patches and ointments) allow them to have a powerful effect on the pathological process at the same time. All have strong side effects and should only be used as directed by your doctor.
Physical exercises and exercises
Active sports are most effective in fighting the disease. The complex of therapeutic practices is selected individually by the treating physician based on the patient's general physical condition and age. It is an effective aid in stretching the spine. Manipulation reduces pain, eliminates muscle hypertension. But it is completely impossible to do in the presence of a vertebral hernia and during the period of exacerbation. Yoga classes, swimming and post-isometric relaxation have beneficial effects on back health.
The massage treatment is very useful for back patients. The procedure has a relaxing effect on the whole body. Regular massage improves blood flow, strengthens the back muscles, improves general well-being and the condition of the back. It should only be used as an adjunct to treatment in the absence of contraindications. Manipulations should only be performed by an experienced and trained professional. The masseurs use Thai, classical and therapeutic massages for the treatment.
Heating and cryotherapy
At the end of the exacerbation period, patients may be prescribed warm-up or cryotherapy. Warm-up is done with the help of special ointments, heating pads, blue lamp, mustard patch, paraffin and ozoceritic ointments. These procedures activate tissue regeneration and nutrition processes. It is not always possible to carry out the procedure. In pregnant women, patients with infectious diseases, tumors and tuberculosis, heating is categorically contraindicated.
Another effective therapeutic method is cryotherapy. Cold treatment normalizes metabolic processes and prevents the development of the disease. Liquid nitrogen reduces bloating, stimulates blood circulation and improves oxygen supply.
The best way to fight the disease is prevention. To do this, you should monitor your gait and make sure your back is always straight. Proper load distribution is important. Divide the heavy bags so that each hand weighs approximately the same weight. If you need to stand a lot, it is recommended to change the position every 10 minutes. Back bends help to relax the back muscles. Active physical activity should become a part of the life of any person who wants a healthy back.
Sitting on the chair, the body should be placed straight, pressed tightly against the back of the chair. Support should be provided for the neck and lower back. Those who need to sit for long periods of time are advised to warm up every 20 minutes. It is important to choose the right height of the chair where your knees will be below hip level.
Many people are of the opinion that you need to sleep on a hard surface. But this is wrong. Because in this case, the spine takes a bad position. The ideal solution is a medical orthopedic bed designed to relax the muscles. It is better to choose a medium-sized pillow. Take a sip every morning after sleeping.
Overweight people are more likely to suffer from back pain than others. They need to eat right, try to lose weight. They are useful for the health of the musculoskeletal system: fresh fruits, Jerusalem artichokes, grapes, hazelnuts. Consumption of spicy foods is best kept to a minimum. Foods high in magnesium and calcium occupy an important place in the preventive diet.
Self-medication is very dangerous, so diagnosis and treatment should only be performed by a specialist. Early detection of the cause of the problem and timely treatment will help maintain health.