The lower back hurts. . . He squeaks, twists, shoots. . . How many terms have people invented for low back pain. This is understandable. It often happens that the back pain, once it occurs, no longer leaves its owner for the rest of its life.
At first, rarely, and then more and more often, they are reminded of themselves, not allowed to fall asleep, jerking with periodic exacerbations. And many, even very young people, endure as an inevitable evil back pain, retaliation for a sedentary lifestyle, lack of a muscular corset, disproportionate physical activity.
They don’t try to treat back pain, and if they do, it’s episodic, by accident. Some people don’t even know their exact diagnosis, so their back hurts and it hurts, osteochondrosis, or sciatica.
However, this is far from the case. There are quite a few diseases that cause a painful reaction, limited movement in the lower back.
Why the lower back hurts, the causes of the pain
- In the first place, of course, are the injuries, the movement of the vertebrae and the sprains. They cause acute pain with complete disability in the early stages of the disease. But if you suffer from low back pain, do not ask for help, and do not take any measures to alleviate your condition, the disease quickly becomes chronic.
- The second honorary position is occupied by the compression of the nerve during the movement of the vertebrae with the development of intervertebral hernia.
- Third is the aforementioned osteochondrosis with degenerative changes in cartilage tissue.
- Then there are all sorts of postural disorders — lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis between the spinal curves — that now appear in almost first-graders. Scheuermann-Mau disease also exists, when juvenile kyphosis develops in adolescence and reaches almost disability by the age of 20-25.
- In fact, lower back pain can be a symptom of diseases of the internal organs - kidneys, pelvic organs.
- Back pain often occurs in late pregnancy, with rapid weight gain and hormonal changes in a woman’s body.
- The worst case of back pain is spinal metastases, which occur as early as stage 4 of oncological disease.
It is not easy to figure out the real causes of low back pain on your own. It is good to have a modern clinic nearby where experienced chiropractors and vertebrologists work and have the right diagnostic tools.
Treatment of low back pain - an overview of methods
This is where the most inconvenient begins. There are many methods and methods for treating low back pain, but not all of them work the same way. This is where the infamous human factor arises, and this factor is important for both the patient and the healer (no matter what your name is, there are many options: chiropractor, chiropractor, a chiropractor, massage therapist, vertebrologist).
These people have their own methods, their favorite tricks, possible combinations to correct the location of the vertebrae on our long-suffering spine. I saw one of the chiropractors put his patients' necks in place with sharp movements in a matter of seconds.
However, despite the apparent effectiveness of his methods, I did not dare to "talk to him more closely. " Perhaps this is a manifestation of cowardice, I am not arguing. But I still cannot forget that I have a spine and I am unlikely to ever get a reserve.
- Often, in conjunction with the blockades described above, a method of pulling the spine is offered. Under water or with special weights. There is something common sense about this, but unfortunately I have heard a lot of opinions that the improvements are extremely insignificant, not comparable to the cost.
- The next method is a high quality professional massage.
- The use of painkillers, injections is a temporary measure, and the disease as such does not heal, they stopped taking the medication, "laughing" and it ended.
- Surgical treatment is usually an extreme case, it is worth considering if there is pain that persists for several months, complete disability, urinary and fecal incontinence.
- The most promising method for frequent back and back pain is a series of exercises.
Although they can be harmful with excessive zeal before clarifying the diagnosis. As with any case, the treatment of low back pain should be thoughtful, gradual, keeping in mind the nuances of well-being. Strict adherence to the rules for lifting and transporting heavy loads, physical work at home and at work if necessary.
And if you’re persistent and patient, it won’t take long for your back to improve.